What’s in a Name?

Why We Rebranded

In changing its name to LLumin, eRPortal Software didn’t abandon its history, it embraced it.

During the years-long process that led the company to create its next generation Enterprise Asset Management (READYAsset) and Materials Management Software (READYTrak), company officials talked with technology partners, dealers and customers to identify their own strengths and weaknesses and to assess the current and future needs of their manufacturing, municipal and higher education customers.

The A-Ha Moment

Those conversations shed light on what eRPortal Software had been providing since 2004 — Maintenance Management and Materials Management functionality and transparency that enables customers to know everything about their most critical assets to make preventive and predictive maintenance decisions that improve productivity and reduce downtime.

The new 2018 version of these Maintenance Management and Materials Management suites extends the illuminating capabilities of their software with:

  • Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technology;
  • More in-depth analytics;
  • An HTML5 platform for full mobility across any browser platform that enables access from anywhere at any time.

A Name You Can Trust

LLumin’s revamped, newly named READYAsset enterprise asset management and READYTrak materials management software provides customers the information and predictability they’ve come to rely on with added functionality for a higher level of real-time visibility, ease of use, system control and access. 

Learn more about our READYAsset CMMS and READYTrak Solutions.